Preceptorship in Urothelial Cancer

Preceptorship in Urothelial Cancer

The therapeutic landscape for urothelial cancer (UC) has undergone significant transformation in recent years, with the addition of PD-1/PD-L1 targeting immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICI) and novel targeted therapies and antibody-drug conjugates (ADCs) adding to the complexity of treatment options available for patients throughout the course of their disease. The optimal sequencing of treatments depends on an understanding of the relevance of different pathological subtypes of the disease and of the latest clinical evidence and guidelines that support the use of different therapies.

In this 2-day ‘Preceptorship in Urothelial Cancer’, which is an in-depth interactive program of didactic lectures, case discussions, and clinical research evaluation, attendees will receive a detailed grounding of the disease process and management from diagnosis through to salvage treatments of advanced disease. The course will enable clinicians who are involved in the management of patients with urothelial cancer to integrate the latest advances and use of novel therapies for advanced urothelial cancer into safe and effective patient care.

For more information and to register for this program, please contact:


Francisco X. Real 教授

Francisco X. Real 教授



Francisco X. Real(Paco),MD,PhD自2004年起任西班牙巴塞罗那庞贝大学法布拉分校细胞生物学教授,2007年起也在西班牙马德里西班牙国家癌症研究中心(CNIO)工作。他于1980年在巴塞罗那大学获得MD学位,于1986年获得PhD学位。1986年至1988年在纽约纪念医院接受肿瘤内科培训,并担任内科医师。他在纪念斯隆-凯特琳癌症中心(MSKCC)的Lloyd J. Old实验室开展了博士和博士后工作。他关注于开发治疗黑色素瘤和上皮癌的免疫学策略。1988年,他加入了巴塞罗那市立医学研究所,在那里他专注于上皮癌的细胞和分子生物学。他还参与了庞培法布拉大学生物医学科学研究所的建立。


Real教授已发表原创性论文300余篇,其论文发表在Nature、Nature Genetics、Nature Cell Biology、Nature Communications、Nature Reviews Cancer、Gut、Gastroenterology、PNAS、JNCI、J Clin Invest、N Engl J Med、Lancet等杂志。他的论文被引用超过29000次(谷歌学术搜索),他的H指数为96。他是多个机构科学咨询委员会的成员,包括英国癌症研究研发委员会(伦敦)、Cordeliers研究中心(巴黎)、CARPEM(巴黎)、英国胰腺癌研究中心(伦敦)和国家科学研究基金会(布鲁塞尔)。他是Gut和Bladder Cancer的副主编。2015年,曾任欧洲胰腺俱乐部主席。

Enrique Grande 教授

Enrique Grande 教授 | 主席

MD Anderson肿瘤中心马德里分院


Enrique Grande,MD,MSc,PhD 是MD Anderson肿瘤中心马德里分院肿瘤学项目的现任医学总监,Grande医生关注泌尿生殖肿瘤领域的研究,积极参与并投身于转化研究和药物早期研发部门的发展与合作。Grande医生获得PhD学位的研究方向为酪氨酸激酶抑制剂肝代谢的药代动力学和药效动力学,他曾在西班牙国家癌症研究中心(CNIO)获得分子生物学的硕士学位。他曾在同行评议的学术期刊上发表了超过200篇论文,同时也是西班牙孤儿药和罕见肿瘤研究组(GETHI)的创始人。Grande医生是很多国际期刊的编辑,也是肿瘤领域众多书籍著作的编辑。他曾参加过泌尿生殖肿瘤及神经内分泌肿瘤领域很多最新的临床研究,也帮助众多新药获得上市批准,为临床提供了更多治疗选择。

Natalia Carballo 教授

Natalia Carballo 教授

MD Anderson肿瘤中心马德里分院


Natalia Carballo是西班牙马德里MD Anderson肿瘤中心的现任放射肿瘤科主任。她还是美国德克萨斯州休斯顿MD Anderson肿瘤中心和马德里弗朗西斯科维多利亚大学的放射肿瘤学副教授。


Félix Guerrero 教授

Félix Guerrero 教授

Doce de Octubre医院


Félix Guerrero-Ramos是西班牙马德里12 de Octubre大学医院肿瘤泌尿科的共同负责人,并作为泌尿科医生为患者提供外科手术治疗。他还是12 de Octubre大学医院的住院项目主任,同时也是马德里康普顿斯大学(医学院)最后一年学生的学术导师。此外,Guerrero-Ramos是CEU San Pablo大学的医学副教授。他还同时在马德里HM医院和ROC诊所兼任肿瘤泌尿科主任。

Guerrero-Ramos于2008年在马德里自治大学获得医学博士学位,随后在12 de Octubre大学医院接受泌尿科医生培训。在住院实习期间,他还在英国伦敦大学学院医院完成了临床见习。2014年6月他在比利时布鲁塞尔的欧洲泌尿外科委员会获得奖学金,并于2015年12月以优异的成绩获得马德里康普顿斯大学的博士学位。他的博士论文题目是“在常温保存下非对照的DCD肾脏捐献项目中手术并发症的比较分析”。


Wednesday October 22 – Day 1

Hospital Auditorium at MD Anderson Cancer Center, Madrid


11:30-12:00     Transfer from hotel to hospital

12:00-13:00     Registration and lunch

13:00-13:20     Welcome, introductions, aims and objectives
                          Enrique Grande, MD, MSc, PhD

13:20-14:00     What an oncologist needs to know about the pathology and biology of urothelial carcinomas
                          Francisco X. Real, MD, PhD

14:00-14:10     Q&A

14:10-14:30     Challenges in non-muscle-invasive urothelial carcinomas: From guidelines to new clinical trials
                          Félix Guerrero, MD, PhD, FEBU

14:30-14:40     Q&A

14:40-15:00     Defining BCG-refractoriness in clinical practice: Case discussion
                          Félix Guerrero, MD, PhD, FEBU

15:00-15:10     Q&A

15:10-15:40     Coffee Break

15:40-16:10     Local management of muscle-invasive bladder cancer (MIBC): The respective roles of surgery and radiotherapy
                          Félix Guerrero, MD, PhD, FEBU and Natalia Carballo, MD

16:10-16:20     Q&A

16:20-17:00     Setting the scene for systemic perioperative treatment of muscle-invasive bladder cancer: The battle between neoadjuvant vs. adjuvant approaches
                          Enrique Grande, MD, MSc, PhD

17:00-17:10     Q&A

17:10-18:30     Tour of hospital and transfer to hotel

20:00-22:30     Dinner


Thursday October 23 – Day 2



08:00-08:40     Caveats to the use of immunotherapy in the adjuvant setting
                          Enrique Grande, MD, MSc, PhD

08:40-08:50     Q&A

08:50-09:30     Summarizing 4 decades of systemic treatment for urothelial cancer patients in 50 minutes
                          Enrique Grande, MD, MSc, PhD

09:30-09:40     Q&A

09:40-10:10     Coffee Break

10:10-11:00     Case scenarios to classify patients in eligible vs ineligible to cisplatin, ineligible to any-platinum-based chemo and EVITA (EV Ineligible criTeriA) criteria
                          All led by Enrique Grande, MD, MSc, PhD

11:00-11:40     How can I make a difference in the treatment of urothelial cancers?
                          All delegates working in small groups

11:40-13:30     Lunch

13:30-14:30     Guidelines vs. ‘Real Practice’? A case discussion series of different patient profiles
                          All led by Enrique Grande, MD, MSc, PhD

14:30-15:10     New drugs and mechanisms of action under development in urothelial carcinomas
                          Enrique Grande, MD, MSc, PhD

15:10-15:50     Presentation and discussion of delegates’ research proposals
                          Moderator – Enrique Grande, MD, MSc, PhD

15:50-16:00     Closing remarks


This activity is designed for medical oncologists and urologists involved or interested in the management of urothelial cancer.

The aim of this educational activity is for participants to:


  • Develop a greater awareness of the different molecular and pathologic subtypes of urothelial cancers and the role of prognostic and predictive biomarkers in patient management
  • Appreciate the current and evolving treatment options for non-muscle-invasive bladder cancer (NMIBC)
  • Become familiar with the indications and limitations of local treatments for muscle-invasive bladder cancer (MIBC)
  • Establish confidence and expertise in the selection and timing of systemic treatment options throughout the clinical course of locally advanced and metastatic urothelial cancers
  • Improve the understanding of emerging therapies and treatment combinations that are currently being developed for UC

This educational activity is provided by ACE Oncology.

This educational activity is supported by an independent grant from the Healthcare business of Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany.

The Faculty of Pharmaceutical Medicine has approved this event for CPD and allocated it 8.75 continuing professional development credits (CPD).


This activity provides content that is evidence-based, balanced, and free of commercial bias, with a primary objective to improve the competence and performance of learners in order to improve patient care.