Clinical Insights on the Treatment Algorithm in Unresectable Locally Advanced or Metastatic Urothelial Cancer
Release date: 02-02-2024
Expiration date: 02-02-2025
The therapeutic landscape of advanced urothelial cancer has undergone a significant transformation in recent years with the addition of PD-1/PD-L1 targeting immune checkpoint inhibitors and novel antibody-drug conjugates to the treatment armamentarium. In this Clinical Insights on the Treatment Algorithm in Unresectable Locally Advanced or Metastatic Urothelial Cancer, experts in the field will discuss the latest evidence supporting the use of these therapies in clinical practice, including patient selection for cisplatin/carboplatin eligible and platinum ineligible and optimal treatment strategy in the first-line setting, sequencing of treatments and the management of treatment-related adverse events. An improved understanding of the role and application of immunotherapy, chemotherapy, antibody-drug conjugates (ADC) and targeted treatments to routine patient care will facilitate optimal management of patients with urothelial cancer.
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Yohann Loriot 教授
Yohann Loriot 于2013年受任法国犹太城古斯塔夫鲁西研究所肿瘤内科高级讲师和顾问,主要从事泌尿生殖系统试验临床药物开发,研究方向包括合理设计的尿路上皮癌和膀胱癌分子靶向治疗和免疫治疗。2009年毕业于巴黎大学,2014年获得博士学位。荣获访学奖学金,并继续在加拿大温哥华前列腺癌中心进行深入研究。2014年获得著名的ASCO攻克癌症基金会青年研究者奖。过去5年里,参与了多个新型药物的开发工作,其中多个药物目前已经获批。目前进行的临床试验已超过20项。现任多个Ⅰ-III期国际临床试验指导委员会成员,作为共同作者在N Engl JMed、Nature、Lancet Oncology、European Urology和J Clin Oncol上发表多篇论文。曾参与多项试验,最终有多个药物获批(恩扎卢胺、阿比特龙、阿替利珠单抗、erdafitinib)。主要研究重点包括介导膀胱癌和前列腺癌进展为致死性疾病的分子机制,以及利用这些研究信息开发新的策略和疗法。

Thomas Powles 教授
Thomas Powles是英国伦敦巴茨癌症中心的泌尿生殖肿瘤学教授和主任。 他在英国伦敦帝国理工学院接受肿瘤内科培训,并于2005年完成肿瘤学研究生培训,并于2006年获得伦敦大学医学博士学位,论文主题是泌尿系统癌症的耐药机制。 Powles教授是伦敦巴茨癌症研究所实体瘤研究的负责人,领导了一系列I-III期临床试验,包括生物标志物、新型靶向和免疫疗法研究。 他在所有主要医学期刊上发表过300余篇同行评审的文章。 Powles教授参与或领导了多个指南专家委员会。

Enrique Grande 教授 | 主席
MD Anderson肿瘤中心马德里分院
Enrique Grande,MD,MSc,PhD 是MD Anderson肿瘤中心马德里分院肿瘤学项目的现任医学总监,Grande医生关注泌尿生殖肿瘤领域的研究,积极参与并投身于转化研究和药物早期研发部门的发展与合作。Grande医生获得PhD学位的研究方向为酪氨酸激酶抑制剂肝代谢的药代动力学和药效动力学,他曾在西班牙国家癌症研究中心(CNIO)获得分子生物学的硕士学位。他曾在同行评议的学术期刊上发表了超过200篇论文,同时也是西班牙孤儿药和罕见肿瘤研究组(GETHI)的创始人。Grande医生是很多国际期刊的编辑,也是肿瘤领域众多书籍著作的编辑。他曾参加过泌尿生殖肿瘤及神经内分泌肿瘤领域很多最新的临床研究,也帮助众多新药获得上市批准,为临床提供了更多治疗选择。

Shilpa Gupta 教授
The proposed initiative is specifically designed for medical oncologists, urologists, and other healthcare professionals involved or interested in the management of urothelial cancer, with the focus of Europe and APAC.
Upon completion of this educational activity, participants should be able to:
- Establish confidence and expertise in the selection of first-line treatment throughout defining the criteria of cisplatin eligible, carboplatin eligible and platinum ineligible in unresectable locally advanced or metastatic urothelial cancer
- Transfer knowledge into practice and utilize maintenance immunotherapy in the most optimum way in first-line setting to extend survival of patients with unresectable locally advanced or metastatic urothelial cancer
- Develop strategies for the prevention and management of adverse events associated with the range of treatments used in unresectable locally advanced or metastatic urothelial cancers
- Identify how to sequence available treatments for second-line or later-line of unresectable locally advanced or metastatic urothelial cancers
- Improve understanding of the novel drugs in development and consider the impact to optimize the new treatment strategies in the future
This educational activity is provided by ACE Oncology.
This educational activity is supported by an independent grant from the Healthcare business of Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany.
The Faculty of Pharmaceutical Medicine has approved this event for continuing professional development (CPD) and allocated it 1,25 CPD credits.
This activity provides content that is evidence-based, balanced, and free of commercial bias, with a primary objective to improve the competence and performance of learners in order to improve patient care.
The faculty reported the following financial relationships or relationships to products or devices they or their spouses/life partners have with commercial interest related to the content of this activity:
Shilpa Gupta has served as an advisor or consultant for Merck, EMD Sorono, BMS, Bayer, Gilead Sciences, Foundation Medicine, Astellas, Seattle Genetics and Genzyme. She has also served as a speaker or a member of a speakers bureau for Seattle Genetics, Gilead and BMS. She has received grants for clinical research from BMS, Merck, Novartis, Exelixis, Genetech, Acrivon Therapeutics and Seattle Genetics. Dr Gupta owns stock, stock options, or bonds from Nektar Therapeutics, BionTech and Moderna. She has agreed to disclose any unlabeled/unapproved uses of drugs or products referenced in her presentation.
Enrique Grande has received honoraria for speaker engagements, advisory roles or funding for continuing medical education from Advanced Accelerator Applications, AMGEN, Angelini, Astellas, Astra Zeneca, Bayer, Blueprint, Bristol Myers Squibb, Caris Life Sciences, Celgene, Clovis-Oncology, Dr. Reddy’s, Eisai, Esteve, Eusa Pharma, Genetracer, GSK, Guardant Health, HRAPharma, IPSEN, ITM-Radiopharma, Janssen, Lexicon, Lilly, Merck KGaA, MSD, Nanostring Technologies, Natera, Novartis, ONCODNA (Biosequence), Palex, Pharmamar, Pierre Fabre, Pfizer, Raffo, Roche, Sanofi-Genzyme, Servier, Taiho, Tecnofarma, Thermo Fisher Scientific and Zodiac. He has also received grants for clinical research from Astellas, Astra Zeneca, IPSEN, Lexicon, Merck KGaA, MTEM/Threshold/Tersera, Nanostring Technologies, Pfizer and Roche. He has agreed to disclose any unlabeled/unapproved uses of drugs or products referenced in his presentation.
Yohann Loriot has served as an advisor or consultant for MSD, Astra Zeneca, BMS, Roche, Merck KGaA, Pfizer, Seattle Genetics, Gilead, Tahio, Astellas and Janssen. He has received grants for clinical research from MSD, Roche, Sanofi, Janssen and Celsius. He has agreed to disclose any unlabeled/unapproved uses of drugs or products referenced in his presentation.
Thomas Powles has served as an advisor or consultant for AstraZeneca, BMS, Exelixis, Incyte, Ipsen, Merck, MSD, Novartis, Pfizer, Seattle Genetics, Merck Serono, Astellas, Johnson & Johnson, Eisai, and Roche. He has received grants for clinical research from AstraZeneca, BMS, Exelixis, Ipsen, Merck, MSD, Novartis, Pfizer, Seattle Genetics, Merck Serono, Astellas, Johnson & Johnson, Eisai, and Roche. He has also provided strategic advisory for AstraZeneca, Roche, BMS, Exelixis, Ipsen, Merck, MSD, Novartis, Pfizer, Seattle Genetics, Merck Serono, Astellas, Johnson & Johnson and Eisai. He has agreed to disclose any unlabeled/unapproved uses of drugs or products referenced in his presentation.
The employees of ACE Oncology have disclosed no relevant financial relationships.
ACE Oncology requires instructors, planners, managers, and other individuals who are in a position to control the content of this activity to disclose any real or apparent conflict of interest (COI) they may have as related to the content of this activity. All identified COIs are thoroughly vetted and resolved according to ACE Oncology’s policy. ACE Oncology is committed to providing its learners with high-quality activities and related materials that promote improvements or quality in healthcare and not a specific proprietary business interest of a commercial entity.